About fundraising

The Live is Life foundation has built a state-of-the-art fundraising platform that enables everyone to crowdfund for life-saving AEDs and education.

Use of the platform comes at no cost and it is simple and effective to use. Starting a campaign for an AED in your area is only a few clicks away.

Why fundraising?

AEDs are complex and state-of-the-art medical devices and therefore come at a price. However, sharing the cost of this device and its storage and maintenance requirements with friends, neighbours, sports teams and colleagues makes it very affordable. As they say, ‘many hands make light work’, and anyone can join a campaign!

A collective campaign means that participants only need to contribute a little. Because the AED is available 24 hours a day, everyone has 100% access to it and can use it.

This is a small personal investment with a massive result: many people will be prepared to help in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest!

Fundraising unites people

Our projects unite and involve people: fundraising is a team-job and it is fun.

Nothing is more satisfying than achieving goals with a group of people. And the result of your campaign is guaranteed and above all, very tangible and visible.

With the AED placed and peers trained, people will now be able to save lives, and that is simply a wonderful achievement.

Our projects

Together with our ambassadors, we have initiated ready-to-use projects that people can join in with.

We have done all the preparations by putting together downloadable toolkits, putting together the most effective package, and creating a communication template for participants to use.

The only thing people have to do is join in.

Schools are a perfect location to install a publicly available AED. They ar...

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Zamel geld in voor een AED-pakket voor jullie club. Samen maken we de wiele...

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